About the Summit

About the Summit

In recent years, Asian and emerging economies have outperformed their western counterparts.

In recent years, Asian and emerging economies have outperformed their western counterparts. This shift in the economic balance of power has created enormous wealth for millions of people in these countries. However, the flow of wealth has resulted in increased inequalities among peoples.

Environmental and social issues continue to plague our societies despite efforts by intergovernmental agencies. Financial instabilities remain the Achilles heel of our economic system despite coordinated efforts by the United Nation and governments to inject our economies with enormous monetary liquidity.

History has shown that the only way for impactful change to take place is the emerging of radical ideas and inventions. CSR must adopt a brand new paradigm for businesses and societies to flourish in this challenging era harmoniously with the environment. Radical ideas must emerge before change can be meaningful.

For this reason, The International CSR Summit & Awards 2025, will celebrate its 10th year with the theme: Paradigm Shift For Meaningful Change, which seeks to provide the platform for innovative and radical ideas from corporations and thinkers that are game changing and will define how societies and businesses will evolve.

  • 15 cutting edge industry debates: Independently researched and structured sessions built around the key issues and opportunities you currently face
  • 300+ executive attendees: Meet face-to-face and do business with your peers
  • Exclusive networking opportunities: Leverage this platform to increase market presence, impress potential clients and form crucial partnerships.

We're also updating and vamping up the Summit so it's more engaging and offers more learning and networking for all that attend.

  • Delve into the future: Hear from leading CEOs on how sustainability drives business; learn about future opportunities for your role
  • Get up with the speed: Get ideas and strategies from the top to enhance your expertise and improve your daily work
  • Meet all the right people in one place: 75% of the audience is senior decision makers from large brands overseeing CSR activities
  • Focus on what matters to you: Every session has been assessed and improved by feedback from your peers. We cover only the most critical issues you will face in 2025